Quarter 4 Newsletter 2022

As we reach the end of 2022, we do so with a heightened sense of appreciation for having made it through a year of adjustment and adaptation as we returned to normalcy. I n 2016, UN Secretary-Gen- eral Antonio Guterres said, “We want the world our children inherit to be defined by the values enshrined in the UN charter: Peace, justice, respect, human rights, toler- ance and solidarity.” This is in line with what global citizen- ship education envisions. Learning to live and work together is an important principle not only in education, but in society. Vital skills are necessary in order to promote a world where people are able to live on Mother Earth in harmony, show respect and understanding, accept identity whilst embracing tolerance and cultural literacy. We can develop these vital skills by ensuring they are introduced at an early age, at home and at school. This approach promotes global citizenship, a culture of peace and a sense of belonging. Mother Earth does not need more “successful” people, but rather people who are humanity-centered, relationship-oriented, compassion- focused, values-driven, globally- conscious and planet-sensitive, in order to guarantee that this generation will become REAL agents of change. Education is a vital ingredient in promoting a sense of identity and belonging, extending values, bridging the cultural divide, prompting the understanding and tolerance between different people and building cohesion. Education continues to evolve and adapt to the changes in society and the world. In today’s knowledge based world, education is the only sustainable basis for progress and prosperity. To Founder’s Message Lorraine Roth Class of 2022 PRE-PRIMARY FACULTY Monday-Friday 07h30 – 08h30 12h45 – 13h30 JUNIOR PREPARATORY FACULTY Monday-Thursday 07h30 - 08h15 13h30 - 14h30 15h00 - 15h45 Friday 07h30 - 08h15 13h30 - 14h30 SENIOR PREPARATORY FACULTY Monday-Thursday 07h30 - 08h00 14h00 - 14h45 15h30 - 16h00 SECONDARY FACULTY Monday-Friday 07h00 - 08h00 14h00 - 15h30 16h30 - 17h30 Gate Times SUMMER QUARTER 18 January - 29 March AUTUMN QUARTER 12 April - 21 June WINTER QUARTER 19 July - 29 September SPRING QUARTER 11 October - 6 December DATES FOR 2023 From Pre-Primary to Grade 12 Q1: 16 JAN - 14 MAR 2019 QUARTER 4 OCT - DEC 2022